On my nightstand

by rosedeniz

I’m not procrastinating, I’m willfully ignoring the fact I’m over-committed. So rather than dwell on it, I played around with my super state-of-the-art four year old digital camera and took overexposed and blurry photos of my nightstand and studio. Exciting!

On my nightstand:

  • Imagining the Turkish House: Collective Visions of Home, by Carel Bertram, a very engaging and interesting study of the classic “Turkish” home and how memory has infused it with meaning long after it’s been virtually stripped from the urban landscape.
  • September Turkish Cosmo
  • Dwell magazine from 2007
  • Baby wipes called Baby World (identical to every other pack of wipes but with a different name)
  • My white Nokia cell phone

In my studio, below:

  • Holy computer, always on
  • Painting in progress
  • Coffee mug
  • Stack of journals
  • Recycled packing materials in piles

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