The Working Proof: Gretchen Wagoner

by rosedeniz

The artist and printmaker Anna Corpron, co-founder of The Working Proof and part of Sub-studio along with Sean Auyeung, emailed me to let me know Gretchen Wagoner‘s print of mating Hera buckmoths is available on TWP’s site. I’ve been a longtime fan of Gretchen Wagoner and am delighted to see her work there. I find her drawings really engaging and ethereal. TWP puts heart and soul into creativity, charity, and community as their masthead says, and 15% of the $40 gross sale of Gretchen’s gorgeous print goes to the Jane Goodall Institute. I love this merger of art and goodwill and the element of collaboration. It also nixes the notion that art doesn’t help people and is simply an indulgence. Check out their artists and charities; the selection changes weekly. You can find more of Gretchen’s work here and on her blog and follow TWP on Twitter or read their blog.

{image above an interpretation of TWP’s website and Gretchen’s print. The real print is much more luscious!}

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